Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Humorous Distillation of Antigone by Maurice Sagoff :: essays research papers

A Humorous Distillation of Antigone by Maurice Sagoff This poem isquite successful in getting the plot across to the reader.Unfortunatly, that is all he can get across because of hisbeleif that, "inside every fat concord is a skinny book trying toget out." Sargoff cannot have pillowcase descriptions, themes,or any real detail in his "skinny book" because of his beleifs.Sargoff leaves off why Polynices should not be burried andwhy his brother, who is not even menchoned, can beburried. This is substantial to building the feelings of contempttowards Creon and an understanding of what Antigone isdoing. Also, because this is a "Humorous Distillation," thetone of the conform to is lost. Instead of macrocosm a dramatic playabout obeying a higher law, it is a comical, rhyming poemabout what happened. This may cause it to lose the impact ithad. Sargoff reduces important and pivotal daubs in thestory to a sentence such as, "Creon wilts, and tries to bang aU-ee ." This sentence does not tell of Creons attempt torepent for what he has through with(p) by burrying Polynices and thengoing to free Antigone. Even if Sargoff gets all of the plotacross, that is not enough to tell the whole story. AristotelianUnities Yes, Antigone does follow the Aristotelian Unities.The play occurs in the same place and roughly the sametime. Things that happened before the play or outside of theplace, was told by a messenger or a character themself. Theaction was all centered around Antigones actions. Heractions were the sole cause of everything that happened.Greek Tragedy Antigone does follow the Greek definition oftragedy. Tragedy is a story or play that has a signifigantconflict of morals, with a noble protagonist displaying atragic flaw that is their strength but leads to their downfall.The exposition of the story is when Antigone is talking withher sis and we learn of what has happened. The turningpoint of this play is when Creon tries to mend his wrong s byburying Polynices and freeing Antigone. Antigone herself isthe tragic hero because she dies for what she believesmorally right. Antigones tragic flaw is that she has only seesher point of view which leads to her death. The denouementof this story is everybody dying and then Creon realizingwhat he has caused. The song of the story is attenden tothrouhg the chorus comentating on what is happening or

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